Home | Broken Childhood Dreams | Days To Come | About It | Not Only Music

Not only one Song for You, this album also contains songs written for his three children, when they left home, pang and hopes of a father. He is grateful, at last. And several other tuneful and straightforward songs reflecting life with the search for cosiness, being with people, and love, which flies like a careful butterfly. A harbor, that stands forever and who is the one, he did not mean to ignore? Finally, he met HIM, who frowned so stern.

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  Click the icon to listen to the album.
  Click the icon to listen to the album.
  Click the icon to listen to the album.

Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score


Not Only Music

2. Song For You

3. My Son

4. Kalinka

5. Your Father's Song

6. Grateful

7.Cosiness, We Seek

8. With Me

9. Careful Butterfly

10. Harbor

11. To Ignore You

12. I Can't Send You Back

Dedicated to all of you
who can be found in my

Thanks to Philip for
constant adivce.

Vocals, guitar, piano,
keyboard, and sample
Ralf Johannes

Background vocals:
Jana Radlanski,
Kalinka Radlanski,
Dora Margo,
Philip Radlanski.

Drums: Philip Radlanski

Alto Sax: Jana Radlanski

East West Quantum Leap
Symphonic Orchestra

Photos: Caspar Clemens

All songs written
and arranged by
Ralf Johannes

Recorded at
Berlin 2008-2018

Mixing, Mastering
and Production:
Caspar Clemens

Release Date:
Oct. 9, 2018

EAN: 4061798115785

All Rights Reserved,
Berlin 2018