The world is round and Ralf Johannes is the son of a German foreign correspondent and an Indian businessman. He was “made” in Birmingham (United Kingdom), was born in Paris (France), and raised and educated in Germany and in the U.S. As a schoolboy he learned to play the guitar, and he began to write and to sing songs. He also plays the piano, and he received an education to play the cello.
Being well aware of the uncertainty of a job as a musician, he pursued a professional career and he now is an academic with an international reputation. His spare time is scarce, which, however, does not hinder him from pursuing his inner vocation:
Singer, Songwriter, and Searcher.
So far, he has released four albums, with more to come.
Broken Childhood Dreams
His first album with songs written in 1976 and some years later. Desperate love songs, like a diary, of an adolescent with a glimpse of hope.
Days To Come
More hopeful songs about life, time, nature, global destruction, and peace - written in 1976 and some years later. Very tuneful and still actual today!
About It
Life in its ups and downs, this is reflected in most of the songs in ABOUT IT. Who is there who has not felt great expectations, high flying hopes, and promises on one side, and yawning gaps, delusions, wrong decisions, disappointments, lost chances, on the other side?
Not Only Music
Not only one Song for You, this album also contains songs written for his three children, when they left home, pang and hopes of a father. And several other tuneful and straightforward songs reflecting life and finally, he met HIM, who frowned so stern.