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Music is about life. Ralf Johannes reflects life in his music. What life does to him, how he can cope and react to, and why he is “Writing Some Songs”. He is not the only one, who has “Broken Childhood Dreams”, how he sang at the transition from puberty and adulthood, when he finished high school. Of course, there is, like for any adolescent, the puberty conflict with “Oh father”. There are many dreams that we all pursue, although we should not “Climb Too High”, while waiting for “Later” and for the “Black Mercedes”. Love is the most desired and the most difficult thing to deal with, as we hear in “Every Snowflake”. Most of the love songs on his first Album BROKEN CHILDHOOD DREAMS are dedicated to his first love (who was born on “August 6th, 1960”), which remained, as we can listen to, unanswered. Ralf Johannes sings “I Don’t Dare To Tell You”, and he is convinced of “What Kind Of Fool” he is, while hoping that she would “Come To The Party”.

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  Click the icon to listen to the album.
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  Click the icon to listen to the album.

Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score


Broken Childhood Dreams

2. August the 6th, 1960

3. Every Snowflake

4. Writing Some Songs

5. Don't Climb Too High

6. Oh Father

7. What Kind Of Fool

8. I Don't Dare To Tell You

9. Come To The Party

10. Later

11. Your Clouds Of Thoughts

12. Black Mercedes

Dedicated to all of you who
can be found in my songs.

Thanks to Philip for
constant advice.

Vocals, guitar, piano,
keyboard, and sample
Ralf Johannes

Alto Sax: Jana Radlanski

East West Quantum Leap
Symphonic Orchestra

Photos: H. Jeschke

All songs written and
produced by
Ralf Johannes

Remastered (Tracks from
1977) and recorded at
redkeystudios, Berlin 2006

Release Date:
Dec 31, 2006

EAN 642738995922

All Rights Reserved,
Berlin 2006