about life. Ralf Johannes reflects life in his music. What life does to
how he can cope and react to, and why he is “Writing Some
Songs”. He is not the
only one, who has “Broken Childhood Dreams”, how he
sang at the transition from
puberty and adulthood, when he finished high school. Of course, there
is, like
for any adolescent, the puberty conflict with “Oh
father”. There are many
dreams that we all pursue, although we should not “Climb Too
High”, while
waiting for “Later” and for the “Black
Mercedes”. Love is the most desired and
the most difficult thing to deal with, as we hear in “Every
Snowflake”. Most of
the love songs on his first Album BROKEN CHILDHOOD DREAMS are dedicated
to his
first love (who was born on “August 6th, 1960”),
which remained, as we can listen
to, unanswered. Ralf Johannes sings “I Don’t Dare
To Tell You”, and he is
convinced of “What Kind Of Fool” he is, while
hoping that she would “Come To
The Party”.