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During the late 1970ies and the early 1980ies there was a strong conviction that we must no longer be careless with our natural resources. Politically, this time was the emergence of the green parties in Europe, particularly in Germany. Ralf Johannes expressed his own concern in many of the songs on his second album DAYS TO COME. “The Sad Dog” is a true encounter, which he still remembers today. Also, the meaning of, “Only 2”, “2 Different Eyes”, and “Come Back” is still acute twenty-five years later. Raised in religious surroundings, Ralf Johannes tries to grasp hold ("Oh Lord"), which is shaken by his experiences he made while being drafted to the Army for only a short time. He experienced, that “Peace, This Word” they do not know. Today, he is acknowledged as a conscientious objector in his country. Some of the songs are very personal and yet enigmatic, particularly “Days To Come” and “College Girl Games”; they express his own youth and that of his later wife in “Twenty-One”. People come and go in his life “What The People Do”,  and there is the beginning of a presentiment that youth will haste away in “Time Rushes By”. But we all should be confident and we should be aware that “Life Is A Great Movie”, and we should be curious to watch it up to its very end. 

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  Click the icon to listen to the album.
  Click the icon to listen to the album.
  Click the icon to listen to the album.

Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score
Lyrics Piano Score


Days To Come

2. The Sad Dog

3. Only 2

4. Oh Lord

5. 2 Different Eyes

6. Time Rushes By

7. Come Back!

8. What The People Do

9. Peace, This Word

10. Life Is A Great Movie

11. Twenty-One

12. College-Girl Games

Dedicated to all of you who
can be found in my songs.

Thanks to Philip
for constant advice.

Vocals, guitar, piano,
keyboard, and sample
Ralf Johannes

Background vocals:
Jana Radlanski (solo in
"Come Back!"),
Kalinka Radlanski,
Philip Radlanski,
Adrian von Petersdorff
Lorenzo von Petersdorff.

Drums: Philip Radlanski

Alto Sax: Jana Radlanski

Organ: Robert Baum

East West Quantum Leap
Symphonic Orchestra

K. Haack, S. Herfurtner

Painting: Ralf J. Radlanski

All songs written and
produced by
Ralf Johannes Leineweber

(Tracks from 1977)
and recorded at
redkeystudios, Berlin 2007

Release Date:

EAN: 642738995915

All Rights Reserved,
Berlin 2007