Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Johannes Radlanski


I was born in Paris and raised in Germany. I am interested in art, in music, and in science, in particular, in the face. I remember, when I was a child in school, I asked my biology teacher: When our nose is formed, how do the cells know, when to stop at the tip of the nose?

Fortunately, I became an anatomist and an orthodontist, and I could focus my work and my research on the human face.


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Since 1992 I have been the director of the Department of Craniofacial Developmental Biology at Charite University Medicine Berlin.

Our main research area is the development of the face and its structural biological peculiarities.


more info:

Homepage of the Department of Craniofacial Developmental Biology at Charité University Medicine, Berlin



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Digital Embryology Consortium

Radlanski - Collection



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Anatomy of the human face,
layer by layer.

Flip-book-video made from our atlas: The Face









As I am also a specialist in orthodontics and craniofacial orthopaedics,

 I see my patients once a week at

ADENTICS – Die Kieferorthopäden in Berlin – Mitte.


more info:

Homepage of

ADENTICS – Die Kieferorthopäden


What is orthodontics about, why is it important?

In my Youtube Channel “Why Orthodontics?” I provide you with background information.


Rompendo Fronteiras Ortodontia

Interview by Dra. Daniela Ferreira and Dr. Marcos Campos on facial anatomy and on facial beauty





It has always been a pleasure and an honor to serve as the scientific director of several congress series and bring together colleagues to share their knowledge for the sake of our patients.

It is a special honor for me to act as the president of the

EurAsian Association of Orthodontists EAO


more info:

Homepage of the

EurAsian Association of Orthodontists


more info:

For upcoming congresses,

please click here!







Musicians need special medical care. With my background in orthodontics and craniofacial orthopaedics I am a member of the

Berlin Center for Musicians’ Medicine (BCMM)

at Charité – University Medicine Berlin.


more info:

Homepage of the Berlin Center for Musicians’ Medicine (BCMM)





Music has been with me all my life. I play the cello in the Berliner Ärzteorchester e. V. (Berlin Doctors Orchestra) and I am a member of the World Doctors Orchestra (WDO). I have also devoted myself to composing music.


more info:

Homepage of the Berliner Ärzteorchester e. V.

Since 2020, I am a board member.


more info:

Homepage of the World Doctors Orchestra






If I had more time, I would like to paint more. But at least I was able to draw the illustrations myself for some of my books and publications.


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Next to research articles in scientific journals, I was able to summarize my knowledge in textbooks. Furthermore, I wrote a book about my horse Poseidon.


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For the first time, the highly complex topographic – anatomical relationships of facial anatomy are depicted layer by layer with elaborate illustrations by Karl H. Wesker.

This atlas has become a world bestseller, translated into 16 languages.


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This book was written primarily for students of dental and oral medicine. It may also provide the foundation for further study in related fields, such as anthropology, forensic medicince, or veterinary medicine.


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Also available in German:

Dieses Buch ist vor allem für die Studentinnen und Studenten der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde geschrieben worden. Außerdem kann dieses Buch die Grundlage für weitergehende Studien in fachverwandten Bereichen, zum Beispiel in der Anthropologie, in der Rechtsmedizin oder in der Veterinärmedizin darstellen.


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So far, only available in German and in Mongolian language.

English translation expected soon.

Jeder hat ein Gesicht und ragt damit aus der Kleidung oben heraus. Schöne Menschen werden oft bevorzugt. Anatomische Erklärungen zu den Fragen: Warum haben wir Haare, warum fallen sie aus? Was ist in den Tränensäcken wirklich drin? Warum bekommen wir Falten? Wie wächst die Nasenspitze? Warum schwindet das Zahnfleisch und warum wandern die Zähne davon? Ein kurzweiliges Lesevergnügen für jeden!


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It was in the forests around the cities of Berlin and Potsdam, where I had so many wonderful years with my horse Poseidon. Whenever I talked about these memories full of joy, people asked enthusiastically: "You should write them all down!"


"A sensitive book about the extraordinary friendship between two men, one of them is a horse."



more info:

Also available in German:

In den Wäldern rund um Berlin und Potsdam habe ich mit Poseidon viel erlebt und immer, wenn ich euphorisch davon erzählt habe, sagten die Leute begeistert: „Du, schreib das mal doch mal auf!“


„Ein einfühlsames Buch über die außergewöhnliche Freundschaft zwischen zwei Männern, wobei einer der beiden ein Pferd ist.“







For 10 years (2009 – 2019) I was the president of the

Written Art Foundation.


more info:

Homepage of the Written Art Foundation

The successor organisation is now called: “Stiftung Handschrift”.






e-mail: ralfjohannes@radlanski.org